Welcome New Administrators to School District 51!
As you prepare to transition in to the D51 family, please read the following to ensure all pieces are met prior to the start of your first day
Colorado Department of Education License
You are required to hold a valid Colorado educator license to be employed as a teacher, special service provider or instructional administrator in School District 51. Provide a copy of your educator license to Human Resources at your earliest convenience.
If you do not have a valid Colorado license, submit your application immediately. Log on
to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) website for license application here:
If you did not upload a copy of your active license with your application, please email a
copy to [email protected] or bring a copy when you turn in your new hire paperwork.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have never been fingerprinted for a Colorado educator license, you must send your fingerprints to CBI for a fingerprint based criminal history check. The process can take several weeks, so it is important that you do this as soon as possible. For sample forms and more information, please click here: CDE Fingerprint Website
New Hire Paperwork
You will receive an email invitation to schedule a time and date for an onboarding appointment at Human Resources at 2115 Grand Ave. Follow the link below to download, complete, and print new hire paperwork and additional documentation to your appointment. If you do not receive an email invitation within 24 hours, please call 970-254-5124 to schedule your appointment.
You must submit official transcripts showing all conferred degrees. Official transcripts uploaded with your application meet this requirement. Electronic transcripts must be sent directly from your university to [email protected].
Human Resources are unable to accept web display versions or unofficial versions of transcripts.
Transcripts must also include transcripts review page.
Technology Login and Email
Call the Help Desk (970-254-5175
) no sooner than 48 hours after you submit your completed new hire paperwork to Human Resources to receive your district login and password.
Then check out the D51 Teacher Resource Site.
Benefit Enrollment
Review the benefits website and complete your online enrollment by following the instructions in your eligibility email.
Contact us if you have any questions:
Welcome to the D51 family!
#WeAreD51 #YouAreD51