Lunch Lizard Summer Program

COVID-19 Updates

March 18, 2020

The D51 Nutrition Services Department has created an Emergency Meal Service Program to serve students in high needs areas during the building closures. Please click here for more information.

Please note that 11 schools will have curb-side service where participants can come to the school and pick up their meals and leave. There will be no place for students to sit. 

In addition, the Lunch Lizard route will serve three locations: Mesa Ave Park, Kimwood Park, and Candlewood Community Center. 

Click here for more information.  

Please continue to check our COVID-19 Updates page for detailed updates as they become available.

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Mesa County Mobile Summer Food Program
Feeding Hungry Kids...One Neighborhood at a Time

School Sites and Lunch Lizard Schedule - English

 School Sites and Lunch Lizard Schedule - Spanish

Menu 2023 Summer Lunch
Menu 2023 Summer Lunch - SPANISH

Kids Aid Backpack Program - Summer Locations 2023

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

How the Lunch Lizard Began

Lunch Lizard Involving the Community

D51 Financial & Planning information 

Menu, Meal Model & Local Sourcing

  The Lunch Lizard is made possible through support from Western Colorado Community Foundation donors, Rocky Mountain Health Plans, GJ Lion's Club, Alpine Bank, Share our Strength/Arby's Foundation, CMU Business Honors students and Independence Academy students.


Primary Sponsors:

Alpine-Logo-Stacked-Color.jpg RMHP.jpg
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Communty Partners:

IndAcademy.jpg No Kid Hungry.jpg Meadow Gold.JPG
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lltruck.jpgFree Meals for all kids 18 and under!

Mobile meals delivered by D51's Lunch Lizard food trucks