SECTION J: Students

Section J contains policies, regulations and exhibits on students-admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health, welfare and school related activities.

Policy Date Title


Equal Educational Opportunities
JBB 04/19/2016 Sexual Harassment
JC 08/06/2002 School Attendance Areas
JCA/JFBB 03/02/2021 Assignment of Students to Schools (School of Choice)
JCA/JFBB-R 02/16/2021 Assignment of Students to Schools (School of Choice)


Compulsory Attendance Ages
JEA-R 09/19/2017 Compulsory Attendance Ages
JEB 03/03/2020 Entrance Age 
JF 02/01/2022 School Admissions
JFAA 08/06/2002 Admission of Resident Students
JFABA 11/16/2004 Nonresident Tuition Charges
JFABB 03/26/2019 Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students
JFABB-R 03/26/2019 Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students
JFABD 12/16/2008 Admission of Homeless Students
JFABD-R 12/16/2008 Admission of Homeless Students
JFABE 08/06/2002 Admission of Committed Youth
JFABE-R 7/11/2011 Admission of Committed Youth
JFABF 12/07/1999 High School Credit From Outside Institutions and Programs
JFBAA 08/06/2002 Admission of Resident Students (Less Than Full-Time)
JFC 09/19/2017 Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts
JFC-R 09/19/2017 Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts
JGA 08/06/2002 Assignment of Students to Classes
JH 02/20/2024 Student Absences and Excuses
JH-R 09/19/2017 Student Absences and Excuses
JHC 08/06/2002 Released Time for Students
JHD 08/06/2002 Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
JI/JIA 08/06/2002 Student Rights and Responsibilities/Due Process Rights
JIC 08/06/2002 Student Conduct
JICA 03/28/2017 Student Dress Code
JICC 08/06/2002 Student Conduct on School Buses
JICC-R 08/06/2002 Student Conduct on School Buses
JICC-R2 08/06/2002 Student Conduct on School Buses - Special Education
JICDA 06/25/2019 Code of Student Conduct
JICDD 02/01/2022 Violent and Aggressive Behavior
JICDE 02/01/2022 Bullying Prevention and Education
JICEA 08/06/2002 Student Publications
JICEA-R 08/06/2002 Student Publications (School Publications Code)
JICF 08/06/2002 Secret Societies/Gang Activities
JICF-R 08/06/2002 Secret Societies/Gang Activities
JICH 01/22/2013 Alcohol Use/Drug Abuse by Students
JICH-R 06/25/2019 Alcohol Use/Drug Abuse by Students
JICI 12/11/2012 Dangerous Weapons in the Schools
JICI-E 04/06/2010 Gun-Free Schools Act Definition of Firearm
JICJ 03/23/2010 Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices
JIE/JIG 08/06/2002 Pregnant/Married Students
JIH 08/06/2002 Interrogations and Searches
JIHB 08/06/2002 Parking Lot Searches
JII 02/01/2022 Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
JJ 7/11/2011 Co-Curricular and Interscholastic Programs
JJA 08/06/2002 Student Organizations (Secondary Schools)
JJAB 08/06/2002 Non-Curricular Student Organizations
JJC 08/06/2002 Student Performances (Public Dramatic Presentations)
JJCA 08/06/2002 Forensic Meets
JJE 06/20/2017 Student Fund-Raising Activities
JJE-R 01/07/2022 Student Fund-Raising Activities
JJF 06/20/2017 Student Activities Funds Management
JJF-R 06/20/2017 Student Activities Funds Management
JJIB 11/13/2018 Interscholastic Sports
JJIB-E 10/2009 Training Rules Contract
JJIB-R 10/25/2018 Interscholastic Athletics and Activities
JK 06/25/2019 Student Discipline
JK-R 03/28/2017 Student Discipline
JKA 04/16/2019 Use of Physical Intervention
JKA-E 03/26/2019 Student Restraint Incident Report
JKA-R 03/26/2019 Use of Physical Intervention
JKAA 04/16/2019 Time-Out Rooms
JKAA-R 04/16/2019 Time-Out Rooms
JKBA 08/06/2002 Disciplinary Removal From Classroom
JKBA-R 08/06/2002 Disciplinary Removal From Classroom
JKC 08/06/2002 Student Probation
JKD/JKE 02/20/2024 Student Suspension/Expulsion
JKD/JKE-E 02/28/2019

Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion/Denial of Admission

JKD/JKE-R 01/19/2021 Student Suspension/Expulsion
JKG 08/06/2002 Expulsion Prevention
JLA 08/06/2002 Student Insurance Program
JLC 11/17/1987 Student Health Services and Requirements
JLCB 03/15/2016 Immunization of Students
JLCB-R 03/15/2016 Immunization of Students
JLCC 12/15/2020 Communicable Diseases
JLCC-R 09/17/2013 Life Threatening Communicable Diseases
JLCD 10/17/2023 Administering Medicines to Students
JLCD-R 10/17/2023 Administering Medicines to Students
JLCDA 06/15/2010 Students With Food Allergies
JLCDB 10/05/2021 Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students
JLCDC 03/05/2024 Medically Necessary Treatment In School Setting
JLCDC-E-1 03/05/2024 Medically Necessary Treatment In School Setting
JLCDC-E-2 03/05/2024 Medically Necessary Treatment In School Setting
JLCE 12/15/2020 First Aid
JLDAC 01/19/2021 Screening/Evaluating of Students (And Treatment of Mental Disorders)
JLF 08/06/2002 Reporting Child Abuse
JLF-R 07/08/2010 Reporting Child Abuse
JLID 08/06/2002 Student Vehicle Use
JQ 08/06/2002 Student Fees, Fines and Charges
JQ-R 08/06/2002 Fines and Charges for Text and Support Materials and Library Media Center Materials and Equipment
JRA/JRC 05/28/2019 Student Records
JRA/JRC-E(1) 07/28/2011 Notification of Rights Under FERPA
JRA/JRC-E(2) 09/08/2016 Opt Out of Directory Information Disclosures
JRA/JRC-R 06/20/2017 Student Records
JRCA 08/06/2002 Sharing of Student Records/Information Between School District and State Agencies
JRCB 06/20/2006 Video Cameras
JRCB-R 06/20/2006 Video Cameras in District Buildings
JS 12/10/2013 Student Use of Information Technology Resources
JS-E 07/02/2018 Student Use of Information Technology Resources (Responsible Use Agreement)
JS-R 06/01/2021 Student Use of Information Technology Resources