
Attendance is About "Being There"

The Attendance Case Managers' Office is located at:
Compass Park Building
2768 Compass Dr., Suite 201
Grand Junction, CO  81506

Name Title Office Phone    Extension
Cheryl Britton Administrative Specialist (970) 986-6011 14147
Lupe Navarro Attendance Case Manager for the Eastern District (CHS A-O) (970) 254-5481 14156
Landon Balding Attendance Case Manager for the Western District (GJHS A-L & CHS P-Q) (970) 254-5513 14157
 Elena Lhotka Attendance Advocate:  Appleton, Broadway, Chatfield, Chipeta, Dos Rios, Dual Immersion, Fruitvale, Mesa View, New Emerson, Pomona, Tope, Rocky Mountain, Taylor, Thunder Mountain (970) 254-6880 26206
   Attendance Advocate: PHS, 1/2 GJHS, MGMS, Taylor, Chatfield, Tope & Rocky (970)-254-4800  25121
   Attendance Advocate:1/2 CHS, OMMS, GMMS, Dos Rios, Lincoln OM, Mesa View, Gateway, Clifton,& New Emerson (970)-254-6200  22233
Barbara Infanger Attendance Advocate:   Bookcliff, Fruita Middle, Mt. Garfield, Redlands, West, Fruita 8/9, Fruita Monument, GJHS, R-5, Career Center/Valley, Gateway, Grand River Academy (970) 254-6900 24313