Additional 2021-22 Guidance Released

Additional 2021-22 Guidance Released
Posted on 01/03/2022
back to school back pack image2021-22 COVID Mitigation Factors

Elementary (including preschool):

  • Indoor classroom cohorts required.
  • When a student or staff member within a cohort tests positive for COVID, the COVID-positive individual will be isolated for 5 days.
  • If symptoms are gone or are resolving, you may return to school on day 6.
  • You should continue wearing a mask for 5 additional days.
  • If feverish on day 5, you must stay home until symptom resolution
  • After 1 positive case in a classroom cohort, other members of the classroom cohort will receive an exposure letter, we will monitor for symptoms, and all members of the classroom cohort (vaccinated or unvaccinated) will need to wear a mask for 10 days from the last day of contact with the positive case to avoid potential spread. Students and staff will not be quarantined.
  • After 5 positive cases within 10 days in a classroom cohort, the classroom cohort will be declared an outbreak, and all members of the classroom cohort will be quarantined. Fully vaccinated students and staff members will not have to quarantine and can teach remotely from their classroom.
  • Unvaccinated* students and staff:
    • Quarantine for 5 days at home
    • If you are symptom-free, you may return to school on day 6, but it is recommended that you get tested 5 days after your exposure and wear a mask for 5 additional days.
    • If any symptoms develop, get tested and stay home.
  • Fully vaccinated students and staff:
    • You are not required to quarantine, but it is recommended that you wear a mask at school for 10 days and get tested 5 days after exposure.
    • If any symptoms develop, get tested and stay home.
  • If the school reaches 2% student positivity that requires universal masking, this step will be suspended during the universal masking period after universal masking has begun.

Secondary (Middle/High School):

  • When a student or staff member within a class tests positive for COVID, the COVID-positive individual will be isolated for 5 days.
  • After 1 positive case in a class, other members of the class will receive an exposure letter and we will monitor for symptoms, but students and staff will not be quarantined.
  • After 5 positive cases within 10 days in a class, the class will be declared an outbreak, and all members of the class will be quarantined. Non-symptomatic, fully vaccinated students and staff will not be required to quarantine. If the school reaches 2% student positivity that requires universal masking, this step will be suspended during the universal masking period after universal masking has begun.
  • Unvaccinated* students and staff:
    • Quarantine for 5 days at home
    • If you are symptom-free, you may return to school on day 6, but it is recommended that you get tested 5 days after your exposure and wear a mask for 5 additional days.
    • If any symptoms develop, get tested and stay home.
  • Fully vaccinated students and staff:
    • You are not required to quarantine, but it is recommended that you wear a mask at school for 10 days and get tested 5 days after exposure.
    • If any symptoms develop, get tested and stay home.

All Levels
If there is uncontrolled, wide spread transmission in a school:
Threshold for universal masking for an individual school: 
When COVID-19 incidence reaches 2% (students), masks will be required for the entire school for at least 10 calendar days
The incidence rate must stay below 1% for 7 consecutive calendar days before universal masking is lifted.

The decision to implement remote learning or close a school may occur based on these considerations:
Number of students and staff with COVID, and
Number of staff absent, and
Number of substitute teachers available