Grand Junction, CO - Central High School students and staff got their first glimpse of the school's new logo at a special assembly in the school gym on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022.
Central students and staff have worked diligently for months to create the new logo. School leadership and a committee of students narrowed down the many suggestions offered by more than 1,000 respondents to a public survey that asked current students, staff, alumni, and community members what values they believe a warrior symbolizes. A committee of students, staff, and alumni selected the logo, which is a C on a shield. The C stands not just for Central, but for courage - a value every warrior embodies.
Following the passage of Colorado Senate Bill 21-116, all Colorado schools with a Native American mascot had to change their logo/mascot, including Central. The penalty of not doing so before June 1, 2022, is $25,000 per month. Central is keeping the Warrior name, but will spend the next few months changing over logos around the school and on athletic uniforms.