Weekly Superintendent Update, May 20

Weekly Superintendent Update, May 20
Posted on 05/20/2022
Photo of Diana Sirko

As the school year comes to a close and my time serving as Superintendent of D51 comes to an end in June, I want to thank our staff and community for all the support you have given me since I became Superintendent in the district in 2018. While we haven’t always agreed on everything, we were able to work together on behalf of our students and community to find common solutions to most issues. 

It has truly been my pleasure working in this great district with our staff and community, and I wish you all the best in the future. It is comforting to know that Dr. Hill will be taking over, and I am confident that things will go well. My thanks to the Board of Education in 2018 for giving me this opportunity and to the other Board members I have worked with for your continued support. 

I look forward to attending different district events from time to time to watch our great students and watching the construction of the new Grand Junction High School building as it becomes a reality. Thank you again to our voters for approving the bond for our students and staff. Your generosity will be remembered for many generations to come!