
General Fund Revenue

2021-22 Adopted Budget
General Fund is the District's general operating fund and is used to account for all financial transactions except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund is designated for the purpose specified in C.R.S. 22-45-103.

Revenue: Where does the money come from?
Resources for the General Fund include state equalization, interest income, specific ownership, categorical funding from the state and designated and un-designated fund balances. The state equalization formula is set by the School Finance Act of 1994 and includes property tax, a portion of specific ownership and the state share of funding. The formula allocates to District 51 $8,501.28 per pupil for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

School districts are no longer required to budget an amount per pupil to meet Capital Project and Insurance Fund needs. District 51 chooses to continue to support Capital Project and Insurance Fund needs. These funds will now be shown as a transfer from General Fund per CDE requirements. After the distribution to Capital Reserve and the Insurance Fund, the General Fund Portion of the $8,501.28 is $8,317.46 per pupil.