D51 honors Superintendent's Scholars

D51 honors record number of Superintendent's Scholars
Posted on 04/25/2022
attendees at 2022 superintendent scholars brunch

Grand Junction, CO – Mesa County Valley School District 51 was proud to honor a record number of Superintendent Scholars today Monday, April 25, 2022! This year, we celebrated 184 students who have earned the title of Superintendent Scholar by obtaining a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.0 throughout high school. 

The celebration was divided into a brunch from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. for Fruita Monument and Grand Junction High Schools and a luncheon from noon to 1:30 p.m. for Central and Palisade High Schools, Grand River Academy, and Mesa Valley Community School. Both events took place at Grand Junction Convention Center.

This year’s roster of 184 Superintendent Scholars beats the record set in 2020, when the district had 172 Superintendent Scholars. Last year’s Superintendent Scholars numbered 168. All scholars will receive a plaque and a photo with Superintendent Diana Sirko. This year's keynote speaker was Grand Junction High School alumni, former state senator and principal at the 76 Group Josh Penry.

2022 D51 Superintendent Scholars

central 2022 superintendent scholars

Central High School

Elijah Berger

Avery Cordova

Ashley Cruz

Kylee Daniels

Isabell Eldridge

Sara Gagler

Madison Hornsby

Sidona Johnston

Jordan Leblow

River Marcus

Mya Marquez

William McGlochlin

Arianna Miklos

Veronica Sanchez

Tanner Snow

Kennedy Vis

fmhs 2022 superintendent scholars

Fruita Monument High

Taylor Acosta

Rayia Adams

Callie Anest

Teddie Anest

Gage Atwood

Cody Bailey

Oliver Balestrieri

Mason Barnhurst

Kayla Biddle

Lori Bird

Nathaniel Blehm 

Rianna Bradley 

Jillian Buck

Brooke Burkey 

Carter Butzine 

Killian Bynum

Matthew Carcia

Cloie Carmosino

Cassandra Castleman 

Keeley Clark 

Lindsey Cole

Amber Collins 

Hailey Cox

Paige Daniels 

Ryan Davis

Abigail Deeths 

Jordan Dehmel

Mariella Doolittle Schermerhorn

Liam Emmons

Catherine Fletcher 

Adele Foley 

Cayen Foye

Madison Ganzer 

Carson Garcia

Brendan Gilbride 

Faith Graves

Chloe Hagee

Micah Hanly

Makenna Hartmann 

Abigail Hawkins 

Jadyn Heil

Alexa Hicks 

Sarah Hill

Carson Hollingshead 

Sophia Hull

Amanda Inskeep 

Jayce Jessup

Samantha Johnson

Hanna Killerud

Connor Laible

Matthew Lastine 

Emily Leane 

Lauren Lee

Christopher Lewis

Trinity Lonergan

Tarina Lonquist 

Tyler MacDonald

Harrison Matlock 

Sabyra Mazrin

Teagan McLennan

Aidan Meens

Teagan Meens

Hayden Murray 

Marisa Nehm

Chelsea Noga 

Mikinley Pace 

Will Pfaffendorf 

Landon Phillips 

Jackson Pierce 

Emma Pinnow

Abigail Price

Lillian Price

Emma Priske

Aubree Quarnberg 

Tessa Reimer

Emily Richardson 

Amanda Runyan

BayLea Sparks

Emily Staton

Chloe Thompson 

Ethan Veek

Taylor Wall 

Kylie Wells 

Evelyn White 

Kezia Wiggins 

Kylie Williams 

William Winward 

Lilyana Zambrano-Trevino 

gjhs 2022 superintendent scholars

Grand Junction High

Alayna Acton 

Brady Ancell

Calvin Atkinson 

Brynne Berry

Thomas Berry 

Ellie Burton

Grace Calkins

Dillon Chapman 

Laurel Collins

Mia Conner

Caymie Crone 

Joel Daugherty 

Mason Dibble

Zachary DuBose

Heather Eisenhower 

Nina English

Johnny Flanagan 

Jarryn Foor

Asher Goldberg 

Ashley Guddat 

Ellah Hall

Natalie Hanks 

Peyton Harris 

Able Martinez

Grace McCrum 

Lylah Morris

Riley Pope

Connor Pramenko 

Samantha Suplizio 

Michelle Vasquez

Sailer Warinner

Autumn Wilson 

Pierson Worley 

Drew Woytek 

Dannon Yake

grand river 2022 superintendent scholars

Grand River Academy

Maycie Eidinger

Ella McClung

mesa valley 2022 superintendent scholars

Mesa Valley Community School

Lilly Agozzino

Rory Davison

Chance Miller

Katherine Noble

JoyAnna Walgren

palisade 2022 superintendent scholars

Palisade High School

Carter Baskin

Xavier Beckwith

Rylan Birch

Tylor Christensen

Sarah Cook 

Sierra Coykendall

Ethan Davis 

Anna Dery

Abigail Dickenson 

Sophia Feghali 

Micah Frazho

Elena Gigoux 

Sierra Hain

Luke Hendryx

Kobe Hernandez 

Adison Hill

Emilie Jaeger

Donovan Maestas

Tierra Mason 

Kyla McClary 

Halee McKee 

Ashtyn Miller 

Trustyn Miller

Madeline Mohler 

Ashleigh Orton

Sterling Schrader 

Isabel Sellden

Olivia Shear

Regan Shearer 

Kayleigh Smith 

Elijah Stammler

Ashton Steed 

Paul Steinke 

Kai Symons

Jessica Warner 

Michaela White

Lauren Whitmore

Gabriella Yanowich