Weekly Superintendent Update, May 6

Weekly Superintendent Update, May 6
Posted on 05/06/2022
Photo of Diana Sirko

I hope you have all had a wonderful first week of May! This week, we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week. As a former math teacher, I know personally how rewarding and how demanding it can be to teach. We have amazing educators in this district, and I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your dedication to students and the important role you play in their growth and preparation for the future. I became a teacher because of my high school math teacher, and I believe many of our students feel the same way about you, teachers, and know your impact will make a difference for their future choices.

There were also many students to celebrate this week, including the elementary Seal of Biliteracy students who were honored Thursday, the Palisade High School Fish Hatchery students who released their second-ever school of endangered fish into the Colorado River on Wednesday afternoon, and all those who presented at the School Board meeting this Tuesday. Congratulations again to our Fruita Monument ProStart students, who received the Congressional Award on Monday and are competing this week in the National ProStart Invitational, as well as our Fruita FFA students, who had two gold level finishes and one bronze level finish at the State FFA Career Development Event May 1-2 in Ft. Collins.

We are excited for graduations next week! We know this is an important milestone and a great time to honor our students and their families. For a graduation schedule, click here.

Plant and Flower Sales

This Saturday, May 7, two of our schools will be hosting flower and plant sales. The Fruita FFA Plant Sale and FFA Roundup will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the greenhouse at the Fruita 8/9 School, and R-5’s sale will be from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the R-5 Garden and Aquaponics Education Center. Come support our students and get plants or flowers for your home or garden! 

Panorama Survey

Last week, this letter included a message about the Panorama survey for parents and guardians. You should have received an email from Panorama this week with a link to the survey. The link to the survey is also available here.