Panorama wellness surveys start Aug. 22

Panorama wellness surveys start Aug. 22
Posted on 08/18/2022
survey image

Starting Aug. 22nd, schools will administer a brief Panorama survey to all students in grades 3-12. Questions are focused on students’ sense of wellbeing. We care very much about our young people and want to ensure they all feel safe and supported. The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes and is a fast and efficient way to ensure we can hear the voices of all students in each school. 

The purpose of this survey is to help staff identify and support each individual student's needs.  The questions are about them personally,  but are necessary so we can help connect students with any support they may need in order to be successful. We have many resources to help our students and their families inside the district as well as through our community partners. Information provided in this screener will be shared with only the counselors and administrators. Counselors will follow up with your child as needed.  As a reminder, support is always available to your child. If your child  needs anything please have them reach out to their Advisory teacher, counselor, or any of our administrators so we can help.

Please take a few minutes to review the questions included in this survey.  If you would like to opt your child out, please find the opt out form on the D51 website. Go to Parents, Assessment Information, Student Surveys. Under student surveys you will find Parent excusal form. Fill it out and return it to the office at your child’s school.

3-5 Well-Being Survey

3-5 Well-Being Survey in Spanish

6-12 Well-Being Survey

6-12 Well- Being Survey in Spanish