General Fund Expenditures
2021-22 Adopted Budget
Expenditures: Where does the money go?
Expenditures for the general fund are first allocated by program, which identifies specific activities such as regular education, special education, or maintenance. Within each program, expenditures are further allocated to specific objects, such as salary, purchased services or equipment.
General fund expenditures are grouped into the following major program categories as specified by the Colorado Uniform Chart of Accounts:
- Instructional Programs and Pupil Support Services: These categories include costs for all teachers, counselors, social workers, instructional assistants, classroom supplies, equipment, field trips, support for extracurricular programs and a reserve amount to support instructional programs.
- General Administration Support Services: Includes expenditures related to the Board of Education, the offices of the Superintendent and Directors of School Sites.
- School Administration Support Services: Includes expenditures of the offices of the school principals and secretaries.
- Business Support Services: Includes costs related to accounting, payroll, purchasing, warehouse, budgeting, transportation, maintenance, and custodial.
- Central Support Services: Includes communications, technology, and human resource management.
- Community Services & Other Support Services: Include support for community partners and matching funds.
- Transfers to other funds: Includes transfers to Capital Projects, Insurance, Pupil Activity Funds and Charter schools, as well as transfers from 2017 Mill Levy Override.
As the following graph illustrates, the District's commitment to instruction, which includes Instructional Programs, Pupil Support Services and School Administration Support Services, accounts for approximately 75.88% of the District's general fund budget.

The impact of adoption to anticipated revenues is an increase of $13,478,970 over 2020-2021 anticipated revenues.
- Per pupil revenue for 2021-2022 increased $80.60 from prior year.
The impact of adoption to anticipated expenditures is an increase of $20,102,995 including transfers to other funds, over 2020-2021 anticipated expenditures.